
Libraries & BranchesLast updated date: April 10, 2014


Koshikiiwa Branch(越木岩分室)

5-31 Hinoike-cho (South of Koshikiiwa Community Center)
Map(open new window)
  • 10-min. walk west from Hankyu Kurakuenguchi Sta.
(0798)73-7341(Only opening day)
Tuesday - Saturday & National holidays : 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • Mondays and first Thursday of each month(If Mondays or first Thursdays of each month coincide with a national holiday, our libraries will be opened on the holiday, but will be closed on the following day.)
  • Every Sunday(If Mondays or first Thursdays of each month coincide with a national holiday, our libraries will be opened on the holiday.)
  • New Year holidays (December 29 - January 4)
  • For the arrangement of books for a maximum of 14 days(Dates are announced in advance)
  • The days of operation during the GoldenWeek in May will be announced later.
Koshikiiwa Branch Calender

Danjo Branch(段上分室)

Inside Danjo Community Center 2-10-3 Danjo-cho
Map(open new window)
  • 15-min. walk from Hankyu Kotoen Sta.
(0798)53-0932(Only opening day)
Tuesday - Saturday & National holidays : 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • Mondays and first Thursday of each month(If Mondays or first Thursdays of each month coincide with a national holiday, our libraries will be opened on the holiday, but will be closed on the following day.)
  • Every Sunday(If Mondays or first Thursdays of each month coincide with a national holiday, our libraries will be opened on the holiday.)
  • New Year holidays (December 29 - January 4)
  • For the arrangement of books for a maximum of 14 days(Dates are announced in advance)
  • The days of operation during the GoldenWeek in May will be announced later.
Danjo Branch Calender

Uegahara Branch(上ヶ原分室)

Inside Uegahara Community Center 1-32 Rokken-cho
Map(open new window)
  • 5-min. walk from Hankyu/Hanshin Taisha-cho bus stop
(0798) 72-7388(Only opening day)
Tuesday - Saturday & National holidays : 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • Mondays and first Thursday of each month(If Mondays or first Thursdays of each month coincide with a national holiday, our libraries will be opened on the holiday, but will be closed on the following day.)
  • Every Sunday(If Mondays or first Thursdays of each month coincide with a national holiday, our libraries will be opened on the holiday.)
  • New Year holidays (December 29 - January 4)
  • For the arrangement of books for a maximum of 14 days(Dates are announced in advance)
  • The days of operation during the GoldenWeek in May will be announced later.
Uegahara Branch Calender

Kotoen Branch(甲東園分室)

5th flr. of Apri Koto 3-2-29 Kotoen
Map(open new window)
  • West of Hankyu Kotoen Sta.
(0798) 54-3600(Only opening day)
Tuesday - Saturday & National holidays : 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • Mondays and first Thursday of each month(If Mondays or first Thursdays of each month coincide with a national holiday, our libraries will be opened on the holiday, but will be closed on the following day.)
  • Every Sunday(If Mondays or first Thursdays of each month coincide with a national holiday, our libraries will be opened on the holiday.)
  • New Year holidays (December 29 - January 4)
  • For the arrangement of books for a maximum of 14 days(Dates are announced in advance)
  • The days of operation during the GoldenWeek in May will be announced later.
Kotoen Branch Calender

Takasu Branch(高須分室)

2nd flr. of Day Service Center 1-7-91 Takasu-cho
Map(open new window)
  • 5-min. walk from Hanshin Mukogawadanchi-mae Sta.
(0798)49-1777(Only opening day)
Tuesday - Saturday & National holidays : 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • Mondays and first Thursday of each month(If Mondays or first Thursdays of each month coincide with a national holiday, our libraries will be opened on the holiday, but will be closed on the following day.)
  • Every Sunday(If Mondays or first Thursdays of each month coincide with a national holiday, our libraries will be opened on the holiday.)
  • New Year holidays (December 29 - January 4)
  • For the arrangement of books for a maximum of 14 days(Dates are announced in advance)
  • The days of operation during the GoldenWeek in May will be announced later.
Takasu Branch Calender

Yamaguchi Branch(山口分室)

3rd flr. of Yamaguchi Center 4-1-8 yamaguchi-cho simoyamaguchi
Map(open new window)
  • 5-min. walk from Hankyu Yamaguchi Center-mae bus stop
(078)904-3961(Only opening day)
Tuesday - Sunday & National holidays : 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • Mondays and first Thursday of each month(If Mondays or first Thursdays of each month coincide with a national holiday, our libraries will be opened on the holiday, but will be closed on the following day.)
  • New Year holidays (December 29 - January 4)
  • For the arrangement of books for a maximum of 14 days(Dates are announced in advance)
  • The days of operation during the GoldenWeek in May will be announced later.
Yamaguchi Branch Calender

Wakatake Branch(若竹分室)

2nd flr. ofWakatakeseikatubunkakaikan 15-12 saihuku-cho
Map(open new window)
  • 5-min. walk from JR Nishinomiya Sta.
(0798)67-5505(Only opening day)
Tuesday - Saturday & National holidays : 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • Mondays and first Thursday of each month(If Mondays or first Thursdays of each month coincide with a national holiday, our libraries will be opened on the holiday, but will be closed on the following day.)
  • Every Sunday(If Mondays or first Thursdays of each month coincide with a national holiday, our libraries will be opened on the holiday.)
  • New Year holidays (December 29 - January 4)
  • For the arrangement of books for a maximum of 14 days(Dates are announced in advance)
  • The days of operation during the GoldenWeek in May will be announced later.
Wakatake Branch Calender